Best Essay Writing Uk Tips You Will Read This Year

A report by The New York Times explores the essay-for-hire industry that tasks English speakers in developing countries with writing essays for American college students.

Millions of essays are produced in countries including Kenya, India, and Ukraine every year to be turned in by American college students.

Mary Mbugua, a university student Essay writing UK in Nyeri, Kenya, told the Times that she began writing papers for a more solid source of income, though she recognizes it is "cheating."

"This is cheating," she told the Times. "But do you have a choice? We have to make money. We have to make a living."


The report notes that successful essay writers in Kenya can earn as much as $2,000 a month, which is about $300 more than the national per capita annual income. However, Mbugua told the Times she "always had somehow a guilty conscience" and questions the quality of education that incorporates the essays.