The Ultimate Guide To Write My Dissertation For Me

For as long as I can remember, I have had an absolute fear of writing. In primary school, my parents were told that my spelling and grammar was ‘worrisome’. At the age of 11, I participated in a game show on national television, where I had to complete a word puzzle. I made such a fool of myself that the directors eventually decided not to show all my blunders, but just enough to be mocked at school. Two years later, Write my dissertation for me I was diagnosed with dyslexia and the same year my English teacher told my parents I would probably never be able to speak or write English. You could say language has never been my closest friend.

Fortunately, I was born at the perfect time. When using Word, I’ve always been guided by the wavy red and blue underlines. Without them, this article would probably not even exist. Computers have become remarkably good at understanding and processing language as a result of dramatic improvements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the last decade. Most of these improvements remain under the radar because we often don’t even realize when the technology is being used. When we fill in an online complaint or chat with customer service, our language is most probably understood by a computer, and the answer is (partially) processed by an AI model.
